Folding Walking Hand Stick

Original price was: ৳ 1,500.Current price is: ৳ 999.

Folding Walking Hand Stick.

1. Adjustable length.
2. Comfortable contour grip with rubber tip.
3. Four folding sections snap out automatically.
4. Stick fold into 4 parts for convenient storage

5. Made In China

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Folding Walking Hand Stick.

The Foldable Walking Stick is made from strong, lightweight aluminum and benefits from a rubber ferrule foot for added stability. Its plastic handle is easy to grip, ensuring you feel secure when walking indoors and outdoors. Easy to fold away when not in use. It’s available in various colored designs. Overall height is adjustable by an integral pin c

This adjustable metal foldable stick quickly and easily folds into four pieces to make transportation and storage a cinch. It features adjustable height, so you can set it up exactly the way you need. This aluminum alloy folding walking stick has a comfortable plastic handle.

Collapsible cane is capped with a slip-resistant rubber tip for additional traction and stability. The base of the cane is made from a strong, slip-resistant rubber cane tip so that the cane can be used on all types of surfaces. The base is also compatible with most replacement cane tips. This cane smoothly and securely locks in place to provide extra stability while walking on any surface


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