Camry High Quality Weight Scale Analog Machine

Original price was: ৳ 1,400.Current price is: ৳ 1,200.

Camry High Quality Weight Scale.

  • Scale platform with PVC-coated mat
  • Scale lens with gold chrome bezel
  • Max. capacity:  120 kg / 260 lbs
  • Graduation:  1 kg / 2 lb

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Camry High-Quality Weight Scale Analog Machine.

Weighing Scales is the best tool to monitor and measure your weight. Novena weighing scale is designed with a durable construction and has the capacity to withstand a maximum of 120 kilograms. The weighing scale has a zero adjuster, we need to set zero before taking the weight. One has to measure his/her weight without any movement while measuring the weight

There are two types of weighing scales available – analog and digital. An analog scale features a simple design with few parts, so the chances of it getting damaged is less. Also, analog scales work without batteries. A digital scale is more accurate than an analog one.

  • Weight scale machine
  • The Easy way to control your Weight
  • Fashionable Style
  • AUTO ON/OFF function
  • kg / Lb unit
  • Capacity: 120kg
  • Graduation 1kg


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