Electrical Digital Tans Massage Machine UR XFT-320

Original price was: ৳ 3,500.Current price is: ৳ 2,700.

Electrical Digital Tans Massage Machine.

Product name: Electrical stimulator
Model number: XFT-320
Power supply: DC 3.0V (2 x AAA/1.5V, not included)
Output frequency: 1-100Hz
Temperature: 0°C to 40°C
Size: 130 x 127 x 27mm (L x H x W)

Package included:
1 x Electrical stimulator
4 x Massage pads
2 x Electrode wires
1 x Acupuncture pen
2 x Pad housing
1 x Manual


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Electrical Digital Tans Massage Machine.

XFT-320 applies a digital control system, it does not give any uncomfortable feeling, such as stinging or prickling.
Its usage mode, body part, speed, and time control are combined very well to make it convenient to be used.
It allows users to select 7 different types of modes and speeds and even to make changes while in use.
Four different kinds of automatic programs are to be applied to symptoms or affected parts of the body.
If the adhesive pad is not attached properly, it automatically turns



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