Graves Vaginal Speculum cuscus (Small, Medium, Large) Pack of 1pcs

Original price was: ৳ 800.Current price is: ৳ 650.

Graves Vaginal Speculum Large, 1 3/8″ (3.5 cm) X 4 1/2″ (11.5 cm)

The Surgical Online Grave Vaginal Speculum is a specialized instrument commonly used for examination of the female genital tract. Graves Vaginal Speculum is made of stainless steel construction and used for performing pelvic examinations, pap smears, and examining the cervix with a double-blade duckbill speculum inserted with the blades closed. The gynecological instrument used by doctors is to open the walls of the vagina and examine the vagina and cervix. It is also used during numerous gynecological procedures as it allows the surgeon to access the upper genital tract with ease. Surgical Online products offer healthcare facilities a single source for all their medical-surgical product needs.

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Graves Vaginal Speculum cuscus.

Grave Vaginal Speculum comes with long jaws for Comfortable Insertion into the vagina.
Opens the vagina to visualize the cervix, uterus, and uterine contents as well as access the vaginal walls.
This especially includes smooth jaws with blunt tips that can slide through the vaginal opening with ease. The smooth outer curves prevent inadvertent soft tissue damage.
In addition, the speculum includes a grip handle for superior control of the instrument.
Has a smooth design and is lightweight which adds to the comfort of the surgeon. Moreover, the screw lock of the Grave Vaginal Speculum fixes the instrument in the desired position. This allows the surgeon to use both hands during procedures


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