Jumper Infrared Digital Forehead Thermometer FR-202

Original price was: ৳ 2,200.Current price is: ৳ 1,750.

Jumper Infrared Digital Forehead Thermometer

1. Infrared technology specially designed to take the forehead temperature of a person
2. specially designed to take the object’s temperature
3. Allows for continuous temperature taking
4. Capable of storing 20 sets of measurement data
5. Noncontact hence no need to disinfect after use (no probe to change )
6.Bi-color/Tri-color Back-lighted LCD Screen
7. for a different color of a person’s skin
8. Providing two temperature modes °F/°C
9. fever alarm function for forehead temperature test

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Jumper Infrared Digital Forehead Thermometer

Easy to read backlight display. Automatic off after 60 seconds. Reads in Fahrenheit and Celsius modes for your convenience

QUICK AND EASY TO USE – One button operation makes it easy to use and acquired readings within 1 second

Clinically tested and calibrated for consistent results every time

RELIABLE READINGS & MEMORY STORE – The thermometer can store and recall up to 20 readings

PACKAGE CONTENT – 1 x TCL Infrared Thermometer, 1 x Pouch, 1 x English User Manual, and 100% customer service and 12 months warranty


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