OneTouch Verio Flex Blood Glucose Test Meter With 10Pcs Strip

Original price was: ৳ 3,500.Current price is: ৳ 3,000.

OneTouch Verio Flex Blood Glucose Meter.

  1. One Touch Verio Flex Blood Glucose Meter (battery included).
  2. 10 pcs One Touch Verio Test Strips.
  3. Lancing Device.
  4. 10 pcs Sterile Lancets.
  5. Carrying Case.
  6. Owner’s Booklet.
  7. Quick Start Guide
  8. Lifetime Warranty

  9. Made In Switzerland

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OneTouch Verio Flex Blood Glucose Meter.

  1. Slim, compact design with large display, easy-to-read numbers.
  2. 500-test result memory with date and time.
  3. ColourSure™ technology instantly shows when your blood glucose numbers are within or outside the range.
  4. A simple color range indicator makes it easy to immediately see if a blood sugar result is in or out of range.
  5. Uses OneTouch Verio® test strips – 5 years of proven accuracy at very low and very high blood glucose levels.
  6. Uses OneTouch Verio® Test Strips that require only 0.4 µL of blood for accurate results and offer easy application to either side of the test strip.
  7. Bluetooth® Smart Technology connectivity with the OneTouch Reveal® mobile app on iOS and Android devices.


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