Vulsellum Forceps (Curved) 1pcs

Original price was: ৳ 900.Current price is: ৳ 580.

Vulsellum Forceps

Offering a wide range of equipment & instruments for General Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Orthopaedic Surgery, Plastic and Oral Surgery, Neuro Surgery, Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Intestinal Surgery, Proctology, Urology, etc. Aimed at offering high-quality medical and surgical instruments, Army Surgical Works was incorporated by a retired army officer in 1976. Since then, our company has been serving several customers with the confidence to delight them in the best possible manner. We are recognized as the most specialized and reliable manufacturer of different types of surgical instruments. Our comprehensive range of instruments consists of equipment a

Made in Pakistan

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Vulsellum Forceps (Curved)

IndoSurgicals Vulsellum Forceps (Curved): Precision in Gynecological Procedures! IndoSurgicals Private Limited stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of surgical instruments. We are revered globally as a trustworthy manufacturer, supplier, and exporter, delivering impeccable surgical tools to surgery centers, hospitals, and clinics around the world.


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