Wullstein Mastoid Retractor (Wound Spreader)

Original price was: ৳ 1,700.Current price is: ৳ 1,400.

Wullstein Mastoid Retractor.

FusionKraft Weitlaner-Wullstein Mastoid Retractor (Wound Spreader), Curved, 3X3 Blunt Prongs, 6.25″ (Pack of 2) Self Retaining Retractor  (Bladder, Neuro/Brain, Cardiac, Thyroid, Abdominal, Ear, Orthopaedic, Nasal, Spinal, Plastic Surgery)

Made in Pakistan

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Wullstein Mastoid Retractor (Wound Spreader)

FusionKraft™ Weitlaner-Wullstein Retractor is a general-purpose ENT instrument. It features three-pronged raked retractor ends on either side (sharp/blunt) to facilitate bilateral exposure of soft tissue. Each of the arms is angled downwards to reduce physician fatigue. The retractor also has a toothed-plate index finger-driven ratcheted locking mechanism designed to hold it in place, freeing the surgeon’s hands. The retractor features ring-type handles & is available in a variety of configurations on the basis of rakes (sharp/blunt), working length, arms (straight/curved) etc.


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