Romson Romo Seal Adult Under Water Seal Bottle with Valve

Original price was: ৳ 1,600.Current price is: ৳ 1,450.

Romson Romo Seal Adult Under Water Seal Bottle.

1. Underwater seal drainage system.
2. Available in several different capacities.
3. Easy-to-read size markers help determine exhaust volume precisely.
4. Clearly marked initial grades guarantee underwater seal
5. Writing facility on the side of the scale helps monitor discharge volume.
6. A separate suction port is provided for connecting to the suction unit.
7. Hose with large holes and kink resistance facilitates unobstructed flow.
8. This unit is equipped with metal hangers & floor stand.
9. Extra large connector is provided for easy connection to the catheter.


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Romson Romo Seal Adult Under Water Seal Bottle.

Under water seal drainage system.Specially designed drainage bottle suitable for pleural drainage in conjunction with intercoastal drainage catheters.Double chamber and single chamber compact unit suitable for all cardiac and thoracic procedures.Range suitable for management of major, moderate and minor drainages


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